As the parent of two teenage boys, who were dragged all over London as they were growing up, Richard is well aware of the need to engage children with activities that will keep them occupied throughout a tour of London.

There is no better way to stop the kids getting distracted, and consequently grumpy, than to incorporate a London Treasure Hunt or quiz into your tour of London.
To that end Richard has devised several treasure hunts and quizes to go with his tours, and these are available at no extra charge when you book one of the tours that Richard offers.
By incorporating the treasure hunt option into your tour around London, every memeber of the group will have something to occupy them as they make their way around the streets of London, and Richard will give gentle hints when the solution to one of the clues, or the answer to one of the questions is drawing close.
Although the treasure hunt aspect is intended to entertain the kids througout the day, what often happens is that the entire family - mums, dads, grand parents and even older siblings - get involved in trying to solve the challenges, find the answers, and complete the "missions" that are set out at the start of the tour.

The result?
An extra dimension of fun and discovery is added to your day out in London.
By availing themselves of this particular service, families with children can devote themselves to concentrating on the commentary of the tour, whilst the children, both old and young, and under your full supervision at all times, hunt for strange and bizarre items of street furniture, try to find the solutions to several puzzles and riddles, perform all manner of fun tasks, and generally have a great time as they explore the streets of London.
Including a treasure hunt in your private London tour could not be simpler.

Simply book the tour you wish and fill in the number of children in your party on the booking form.
We will then ask you, when we confirm your tour, if you'd like to include the treasure hunt option.
Just say yes and the treasure hunt and quiz will be included.
That's all you need do and Richard will do the rest.
Richard will then bring the quiz and the treasure hunt with him and hand out the challenges and the sheets when he meets you at the start of the day.
The entire family can then enjoy a great day out in London, and the kids can even keep their treasure hunt and quiz sheets as a souvenir of their trip to London.
Richard's treasure hunts include several challenges that have to be completed and questions that have to be answered as you go around.
- You might be handed a photograph that has been photoshopped to erase certain parts and then be asked to spot the difference when you arrive at that particular location.
- You will be asked to find the answers to several questions that might be on the tour itself, or which might be on a plaque or a statue located on the tour route.

- You might be set a challenge such as getting into a phone box and pretending to be Harry Potter descending into the Ministry of Magic.
- You might be given an old black and white photograph of a particular location on the tour that was taken in the 19th cnetury and be asked if you can spot that building when you pass it today.
- You might be asked to get a close up photograph of The Queen, Prince Charles, Prince Willliam, or of another prominent member of the Royal Family, or even of a celebrity.
The point is that all the challenges will be possible and the fun element of this is immeasurable.
You'll end up laughing a lot, seeing a lot and you'll have some great memories of your day out in London and of your treasure hunt to take away with you.
So, if you want to add an extra dimension to your tour of London let Richard include one of his treasure hunts for you, and see for yourself that exploring London can be great fun no matter what your age!